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Menhera last won the day on September 20 2020

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About Menhera

  • Birthday September 15

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Knight Radiant - Fifth Ideal

Knight Radiant - Fifth Ideal (7/14)

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  1. Apparently the most popular games are Civ VI and EU4. More infos coming soon™
  2. Alyster is searching for people to play World of Tanks with him. He is on the European server, so if you are interested just say so ^.^
  3. Another Game has been announced There will be a hunger games at 6pm EST or 11pm BST. Dm Beezers#3254 from Church of Spaceology on Discord if you would like to participate. You Need to tell him until 30 minutes before start, so 5:30pm EST or 10:30 BST. Good luck ^.^
  4. Good Question, i guess we will have to either Play at Weekends or just find a time where the most People are available. I will need to ask how quiznight did it.
  5. As you have most likely seen, we are currently discussing hosting a Tournament of one or more strategy games. In consideration are currently EU4, Civ V and VI, Stellaris, HOI 4 and Crusader Kings. The poll on what People are interested in can be seen here: https://www.knightsradiant.pw/topic/6718-050519-group-game-ideas/ If you have any ideas on how that Tournament may look, i encourage you to bring in your ideas here. Everything is welcome ^.^
  6. I added a discord link for you and anyone that would like to Play as well ^.^
  7. Apparently a few people in Empyrea are playing poker regularly. Due to the lack of interest in poker i don't see a chance of something similar in TKR. Should someone be interested, you can join them on discord: https://discord.gg/RCMkHQR I can imagine that it would be very fun. ^.^
  8. Paranoia is a game played in sessions. Every Player is present in a channel Person A DMs a Question to the Person B. Person B Needs to answer the Question in the channel, where everyone can see it. Then a coin is flipped, (probably with tatsu bot), and if the coin lands on heads, then the Question is revealed to the others. If not, then everyone is left to wonder what the Question was. Then Person B DMs Person C a Question and so on. It can look like this: A: DMs a Question to B B: "I think D" Coin: lands on heads A: "the Question was who would B like to hug the most?"
  9. Rose is hosting another Civilization Tournament! If your Interested please DM Arch#0239 on Discord, so he can provide further details and get your information. All skill levels are welcome to join in. Start: ≈May 4th Session Length: 3 hours Interval: Weekly (until completion) Game: Civ 6 1st Place: 60m and a winner role on Rose server 2nd Place: 30m and a runner up role on Rose server 3rd Place: 10m Map: Pangaea Turn Timer: Dynamic Turn Mode: Simultaneous Victory: All but score No turn Limit Sign ups end May 2nd To get the signup form please DM Arch. Details may change
  10. Games that already exist in TKR are: Word association (#word-association | on Slack only, i'm sorry micchan >.<) Last two letters (https://knightsradiant.pw/topic/6082-last-two-letters-word-game) Wrestling League prediction (https://knightsradiant.pw/topic/6589-wrestling-league-predictions-game) Werewolf (#play_werewolf | also only on Slack) Cringiest Wrestling Moments (https://knightsradiant.pw/topic/6660-cringiest-wrestling-moments) Murder Mystery (https://knightsradiant.pw/topic/6629-murder-mystery-game) Quiznight (#quiznight | Slack only as well) Corrupted wishes (#corruptedwishes | you guessed it... Slack only) Count to 1000 (https://www.knightsradiant.pw/topic/101-count-to-1-million/?tab=comments#comment-843) If i am missing some just tell me please For Suggestions go to https://knightsradiant.pw/topic/6667-suggestions
  11. This Topic is for suggesting new Forum, Slack or Discord Games. Just Write your Suggestion and how it works down below ^.^
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