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Ekaterina Komnena

Friend of the Knights
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Posts posted by Ekaterina Komnena

  1. Yep, it's the network effect. Doesn't matter if it's not the best, the fact that it's usable and it was the first to the mass market means it'll forever be somewhat dominant unless they screw up in a major way. Also Macs would be vulnerable to all sorts of security flaws if it had the same success as Windows as well (plenty of Mac vulnerabilities out there, just not as profitable to exploit them).


    In the meantime though, dual booting Windows on a Mac generally works (has worked decently since 2010 if you knew what to do). Of course, it's still overpriced hardware wise compared to some computer you could build on your own.

  2. I thought everyone knew the general rule, Windows for games, Linux for general work + servers + programming stuff, and MacOS for music/video editing. In terms of having compatible stuff, Windows will always come out on top. You can always dual boot Windows on whatever computer you have as long as it isn't a terribly old machine or something.

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